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How you can help.


Become a Prayer Partner
Matthew 28 Nineteen Ministries is in need of prayer partners who are dedicated to praying for us and sharing our story as we move forward together serving God as He has planned. We pray that God has given you a specific desire to pray for us. The question to ask is, “What is My Response?”


Use Your Time and Talents
Matthew 28 Nineteen Ministries continues to work with other organizations and ministries in the region that we serve. Our hope is that you would join us in accomplishing our goals. Come and visit us. We can and will use any help that God sends our way.  We pray that God has given you a specific desire to serve Him by joining us here part-time or full-time. The question to ask is, “What is Our Responsibility?”


Provide Financial Support
We cannot do what we do without the sacrificial and generous giving of financial supporters. Please prayerfully consider investing in us and our ministry. Matthew 28 Nineteen Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible.


We pray that God has given you a specific desire to partner with Matthew 28 Nineteen Ministries. The questions to ask are, “What is My Response?” and “What is Our Responsibility?” Any life changed or community impacted is “God’s Results”.


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